Welcome to SPSIM 2019

SPSIM is a biennial, international conference on the use of Standardized Patients and Simulation in undergraduate and postgraduate education of health professionals.
SPSIM 2019 took place in Bern from September 11 to 13, 2019 and was held by the Bern University of Applied Sciences Health.

The slogan of SPSIM 2019 is: «Bridging the Gap – Venturing into the Unknown»

Images and Impressions of 2019

Thank you for your attendance at this year’s conference. Click here to see some impressions of SPSIM 2019.

The SPSIM 2019 is approved with 12 SIWF-Credits.

 Keynotes SPSIM 2019

    • Minimally Expensive Simulation
      Prof. Roger Kneebone, Professor of Surgical Education and Engagement Science, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Imperial College London

Conference Topics
SPSIM 2019 focuses on issues and challenges of simulation in healthcare education that many of us have been postponing as “something for further research”. Participant satisfaction is one of the first steps in evaluation, but our understanding is still insufficient regarding aspects of simulation-based education that are a bit more difficult to measure. Is our understanding of instructional design in simulation, efficient debriefing of SP encounters, and the role of simulation authenticity satisfactory?

SPSIM 2019 wants to take a closer look at some of the aspects we have all been struggling with over the last decade. We want scientists to share promising approaches, take a close look at the debriefing process, reconsider the theoretical base of simulation, consider the potentials of hybrid simulation, virtual and augmented reality, and the importance to having fun with simulation.

Goals of the Conference
The conference allows participants to:

  • Discuss scientific bases and best practice in health care education using simulations and Standardized Patients (SP)
  • Determine new directions for learning, teaching and assessing with SPs and simulators
  • Identify relationships between the use of SPs and simulations in education and patient safety
  • Network with international colleagues

Target audience

  • All faculty and clinicians involved in the education of healthcare professionals
  • Medical doctors and allied health professionals interested in this new approach of training and assessment

Conference Language
English is the official conference language. Some presentations and workshops are in French or German. They will be clearly indicated in the program.

For further information please go to the following pages: